Re: [hatari-devel] Small bug in Hatari Falcon emulation

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On 11/25/20 3:27 AM, Roger Burrows wrote:
On 25 Nov 2020 at 2:34, Eero Tamminen wrote:
I did write a separate program to do:
	write new/read
	write old/read

and the value returned isn't always $ff

Sorry, I somehow missed the "n't".

(I blame late night and my eyesight.)

(and rewriting the original value

doesn't restore it, unsurprising considering there's no RAM there).  I

Yes, that's obvious. :-)

So in conclusion, the reads to non-existing ST-RAM
areas give seemingly random data.

Could you send results from scanning the memory
with byte & word widths?  I could try generating
some word/byte/nibble value histograms out of it
to see whether there are any patterns, either as
a whole, or in relation to the address.

(If there are, those would need to be verified
then with data from some other Falcon.)

	- Eero

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