This has probably come up before but I don't remember if there is a solution, or what it looks like, so here goes....
When recording screen capture video from Hatari (on Windows), the output AVI is corrupted as it reaches 4GB. Or perhaps it is 2GB. Hatari can't close the stream and just throws up dialogs forever in a loop, it must then be force-quit. The resulting video cannot be opened.
While it looks like a FAT32/filesystem issue, I am certain the partition in question is NTFS....
Anyway the videos recorded below that limit work well - no frame drops in the recording and FFMPEG can convert the stream to MP4 no problem. I just can't record more than a few seconds before it destroys the video.
If I change the Codec to PNG, compression allows me to record much longer videos. The recording experience is quite choppy because the compression is expensive. However FFMPEG will not convert the stream - I get lots of 'missing PNG header' errors, resulting in lots of frames missing from the final video. So I can't YT anything from that format currently.
My questions are:
- Is this a filesystem/host-system issue, or an issue with the Codec format itself, limited to 32bit? I suspect it is the latter.
- Is there a known way to get around these issues on Windows? Maybe a specific version of FFMPEG?
- Would recording on a different system - e.g. MacOS, help with this?
- Have recent Hatari releases (since 2.00) changed the video recording options to work around this?
Thanks in advance!