Re: [hatari-devel] [REGRESSION] Access to non-existant IDE slave crashes Hatari

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Am Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:29:19 +0100
schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> I'm afraid I have a blocking point (imho) for your 2.3 release. The
> attached very small program attempts to read the data register of an
> IDE slave. If Hatari is configured with an IDE master device but no
> slave, this crashes Hatari(!) with a NULL pointer access somewhere in
> Ide_Mem_wget().

I gave this a very quick try, but I was not able to reproduce the
crash. Which machine type did you use? Did you use the GUI or the CLI
to configure the IDE drive? Fast-boot enabled or disabled? Please
provide exact steps how you ran Hatari.

Anyway, thanks for providing the crash_hatari.S source code. Looking at
that file, I wonder whether there is another bug in Hatari: You don't
switch to supervisor mode before accessing the registers ... Is it
possible to access the IDE registers in user mode on a real Falcon? I
don't believe so, but could somebody who has a Falcon easily
available please check this, just to be sure?


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