[hatari-devel] [REGRESSION] Access to non-existant IDE slave crashes Hatari

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I'm afraid I have a blocking point (imho) for your 2.3 release. The
attached very small program attempts to read the data register of an IDE
slave. If Hatari is configured with an IDE master device but no slave,
this crashes Hatari(!) with a NULL pointer access somewhere in

I can reproduce this with Hatari built from the current (1797e22) state
of the Git repo; both my own build and Christer's Windows build. It does
not happen with 2.2.1, and therefore must be a regression.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
WWW: https://www.chzsoft.de/
PGP/GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x52CB97F66DA025CA / 0x6DA025CA
    move.b #0xB0,0xF00019 // select drive 1 = slave
    move.w 0xF00000,d0    // try to read data from non-existant slave
    // won't get to here anyway
    move.w d0,-(sp)
    move.w #0x4c,-(sp)
    trap #1

Attachment: crash_hatari.tos
Description: Binary data

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