Re: [hatari-devel] EKO System crash

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Le 31/10/2020 à 07:13, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Thu, 29 Oct 2020 00:11:52 +0200
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

On 10/27/20 1:12 AM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
EKO Systems:  perfectly works (except a little transition in the
betty boo image).
        Music plays well until the 3D scifi scene and plays well
again in the tridi world.

Close to end I got Hatari crash:
WARN : crossbar DMA Play: Illegal buffer size (from 0x0d84e8 to
0x0d84bc) Segmentation fault

Looking at the crossbar code, I noticed that this could happily read
from beyond the STRam[] array if a Falcon program like EKO system set
the DMA start address higher than the end address.

I've changed to code a little bit so that this should hopefully not
happen anymore, i.e. I hope it also won't crash anymore (though I was
not able to reproduce the crash here).

As a bonus, the music should now play in the 3D racing scene of the

Note: I've also updated the recording function accordingly, but I did
not test that part. Laurent, could you please try whether AFM still
works fine for you? Thanks!


I see you're doing "% STRamEnd" to limit the range ; maybe it would be better to use "&" to mask out of limit bits instead, as this is more "hardware like" ?


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