Re: [hatari-devel] DSP and debugger - suggested enhancement

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On 21 Oct 2020 at 1:07, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> On 10/20/20 11:33 PM, Roger Burrows wrote:
> > I've been using the DSP debugger recently, mostly to display and
> disassemble
> > DSP memory.  It's been very useful when testing the recently-added EmuTOS
> > support, so many thanks to Hatari for supporting this!
> > 
> > However I noticed that there doesn't seem to be a way to alter DSP memory
> from
> > the debugger.  There are a couple of times recently when I would have
> found
> > that useful.  But you should know that after I finish my current round of
> > testing, I'll probably never use the DSP debugger again, so I cannot claim
> this
> > is an important feature :-).  And there is certainly no requirement for
> changes
> > before the release.
> Sounds useful, so I'll implement it at some point (probably not this 
> week, but who knows).
> And besides dspmemwrite, would dsploadbin &
> dspsavebin commands be also useful
> (for file <-> DSP mem writes)?
They might be useful, although I didn't miss them.

> Would it need different syntax than for CPU,
> or is the same OK?
As close as possible to the CPU syntax would be best, to reduce the learning 
curve.  I like the way it's done now (dm instead of m, dd instead of d, etc).


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