Re: [hatari-devel] EmuTOS version number display

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On 03/02/2020 à 21:36, Roger Burrows wrote:
Since the most recent official release of EmuTOS (0.9.12), we've added
code in EmuTOS to provide the EmuTOS version programatically.

There is a problem with current Hatari. It doesn't correctly display the version of EmuTOS "1.0", our most polished release. Instead, it displays "1.0.0".

There is a not-so-well-know rule: if the third number is 0, then it must not be displayed. So current EmuTOS release should be displayed as "1.0". And hypothetical future bugfix release should be displayed as "1.0.1".

I would be grateful if that could be fixed before the Hatari release. So we can be proud of EmuTOS 1.0 screenshots with Hatari.

Vincent Rivière

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