Re: [hatari-devel] FDC Memory Snapshot Restore not fully working

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Thanks for the fix. I just tested it and it works fine now 🙂

I wanted to use Hatari on the RPI (TV) and Windows with an easier to use interface that doesn't require a keyboard and mouse so I'm implementing all the Android API calls and UI natively to be cross-platform as well as updating to the latest Hatari source.

From: Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2020 5:21 PM
To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] FDC Memory Snapshot Restore not fully working
Le 08/09/2020 à 23:31, D C a écrit :
> I had a look at the source and I found the issue.
> It's not saving the current DMA address.
> Just need to add the following line to the snapshot and it works fine now:
>      MemorySnapShot_Store(&FDC_DMA_Address, sizeof(FDC_DMA_Address));


thanks for reporting this ; I see I even left a comment at the time
hatari 2.1 was released :

Uint32  FDC_DMA_Address;                                        // TODO
: move into FDC_DMA_STRUCT (which will change memory snapshot)

But completely forgot to move it :(

So, instead of calling MemorySnapShot_Store, FDC_DMA_Address is now in
the FDC_DMA struct, which is already saved/restored.

Can you check this fixes your problem ?

> btw, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm squall (Hataroid) from the
> atari-forum 🙂

Welcome here ; very nice android port you did with Hataroid.
Are you planning an update ?


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