[hatari-devel] libreadline and backspace (was: CAPS support)

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Christer Solskogen schrieb:

> I use readline 8.0p1 (from git) plus a patch to make it compile for
> mingw-w64 (https://github.com/mxe/mxe/blob/master/src/readline-1.patch)
> If anyone has a patch for the backspace problem (I think the official
> hatari builds use a ancient version of termcap, which don't have that
> bug. I use ncurses to provide termcap)

A quick bug analysis by single stepping through the relevant parts of
the binary: readline calls _rl_backspace() [1] which then calls tputs()
from ncurses. tputs() exits with an error in this line: [2].

I don't know much about termcap/ncurses. Presumably, something is not
initialized correctly. However, if I binary-patch libreadline8.dll to
use the fallback [3] instead of tputs(), the backspace works for me.
This is a work-around I can live with.


Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.chzsoft.de/
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