[PATCH] Split machine type features support further to separate sections

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 doc/manual.html | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/manual.html b/doc/manual.html
index 49ae0327..7b0a5c7f 100644
--- a/doc/manual.html
+++ b/doc/manual.html
@@ -60,54 +60,82 @@ and demos. Of course you can run normal GEM applications with Hatari, too.
+<h4>Emulator features</h4>
+  <li>with SDL1: scaling of low ST resolutions by factor two,
+      aspect correction and scaling of small resolutions by
+      an integer factor for Falcon resolutions
+  <li>with SDL2: scaling resolutions to any size</li>
+  <li>interleaved lines rendering of ST-medium and (scaled) ST-low
+      resolutions for the TV "monitor type"</li>
+  <li>joystick emulation via cursor keys and joystick emulation via
+      a connected PC joystick</li>
+  <li>GEMDOS interface driver to mount directories as hard drives
+      with optional write-protection</li>
+  <li>support for auto-starting Atari programs and installing
+      Hatari as handler for them and floppy images</a>
+  <li>support for compressed disk images (PkZip and Gzip)</li>
+  <li>optional write-protection for floppy disk images</li>
+  <li>support for memory snapshots (save/restore whole system state)</li>
+  <li>driver for extended VDI resolutions</li>
+  <li>recording of sound as .WAV and .YM files</li>
+  <li>screenshots in PNG or BMP format</li>
+  <li>AVI animation capturing with sound</li>
+  <li>emulation speedup, slowdown and pausing support</li>
+  <li>Built-in <a href="debugger.html">debugger and profiler</a>
+      with readline command completion, support for tracing
+      all system calls and many HW events</li>
+  <li>emulator control from Atari programs through NatFeats API,
+      and from the host through command FIFO or socket</li>
+<h4>CPU / FPU emulation</h4>
+  <li>with the (default) WinUAE CPU core: 68000 - 68060 and MMU emulation</li>
+  <li>with the UAE CPU core: 68000 - 68040 emulation (less accurate, but faster)</li>
+  <li>cycle-accurate 68000 emulation (only) with the WinUAE CPU core, and
+      several options for disabling CPU accuracy for performance</li>
+  <li>68881, 68882 and CPU internal FPU emulation, either using
+      host FPU (default, faster), or emulating them completely
+      in SW (more accurate in some corner-cases)</li>
+<h4>ST hardware emulation</h4>
-  <li>68000 - 68040 emulation via the UAE CPU core
-      (additional 68060 and MMU emulation only with the WinUAE CPU core)</li>
-  <li>ST RAM size variable (from 512kiB up to 14MiB are possible)</li>
-  <li>TT RAM size variable (from 0 up to 512MiB are possible)</li>
+  <li>ST RAM from 512kiB up to 14MiB</li>
   <li>optional cartridge images for the ST ROM port</li>
-  <li>most of the ST specific hardware</li>
   <li>ST Shifter with ST-High, ST-Medium and ST-Low resolutions,
     overscan effects for all borders in color resolutions</li>
   <li>512 color ST palette</li>
   <li>Spec512 mode support for low and medium resolutions</li>
   <li>many raster effects </li>
-  <li>scaling of low ST resolutions by factor two (with SDL1)
-      or to any size (with SDL2)</li>
-  <li>interleaved lines rendering of ST-medium and (scaled) ST-low
-    resolutions for the TV "monitor type"</li>
-  <li>Blitter chip emulation</li>
+  <li>Add-on Blitter chip emulation</li>
   <li>PSG YM2149 emulation (soundchip) including STFM samples</li>
   <li>Printer port emulation on hardware level (print to file)</li>
   <li>RS232 emulation</li>
   <li>MIDI input/output/through emulation</li>
   <li>IKBD emulation (keyboard, mouse and joystick) with custom
     keyboard mapping</li>
-  <li>joystick emulation via cursor keys and joystick emulation via a
-    connected PC joystick</li>
   <li>FDC (floppy disk controller) emulation using floppy disk images
     in standard formats (*.ST, *.MSA, *.DIM and *.STX)</li>
   <li>FDC emulation via the IPF support library for using
     *.IPF, *.RAW and *.CTR images</li>
-  <li>support for packed disk images (PkZip and Gzip)</li>
-  <li>optional write-protection for floppy disk images</li>
   <li>ACSI emulation for hard drive support (with basic support for extended
     host adapter protocol to access disks &gt; 1 GB)</li>
-  <li>GEMDOS interface driver to mount directories as hard drives
-    with optional write-protection</li>
-  <li>support for memory snapshots (save whole system state)</li>
-  <li>driver for extended VDI resolutions</li>
-  <li>recording of sound as .WAV and .YM files</li>
-  <li>screenshots in PNG or BMP format</li>
-  <li>AVI animation capturing with sound</li>
-  <li>TOS versions 1.00, 1.02, 1.04 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in ST mode</li>
-  <li>Built-in <a href="debugger.html">debugger and profiler</a>
-    with readline command completion</li>
+  <li>TOS versions 1.00, 1.02, 1.04 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in ST mode.</li>
+<h4>Mega ST hardware emulation</h4>
+  <li>Builtin real time clock (RTC)</li>
+  <li>TOS versions 1.02, 1.04 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in Mega ST mode.</li>
 <h4>STE hardware emulation</h4>
 <p>There is support for following additional STE features:</p>
+  <li>Blitter chip emulation</li>
   <li>horizontal and vertical hardware fine scrolling</li>
   <li>split screen techniques / in-screen video address manipulations</li>
   <li>(STE specific) left border opening</li>
@@ -118,23 +146,22 @@ and demos. Of course you can run normal GEM applications with Hatari, too.
   <li>TOS versions 1.06, 1.62, 2.05 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in STE mode.</li>
-<h4>Mega ST/STE hardware emulation</h4>
-<p>There is support for following additional features in Mega ST/STE
+<h4>Mega STE hardware emulation</h4>
+<p>There is support for following additional features in Mega STE
 and later HW:</p>
-  <li>Builtin real time clock</li>
+  <li>Builtin real time clock (RTC)</li>
   <li>Experimental Mega STE/TT/Falcon SCC channel B serial port support (incomplete)</li>
-  <li>TOS versions 1.02, 1.04 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in Mega ST mode, and
-      TOS versions 2.05 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) in Mega STE mode.</li>
+  <li>TOS versions 2.05 and 2.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in Mega STE mode.</li>
 <h4>TT hardware emulation</h4>
 <p>There is support for following additional TT features:</p>
+  <li>Up to 512 MiB of TT-RAM</li>
   <li>TT low/med/high resolution support</li>
   <li>The second MFP chip of the TT</li>
   <li>ST/TT palette switching and video shifter</li>
-  <li>RAM up to 14MiB (ST-RAM) and up to 512 MiB (TT-RAM)</li>
   <li>Only TOS version 3.05 and 3.06 (and EmuTOS) can be used in TT mode.</li>
@@ -142,8 +169,6 @@ and later HW:</p>
 <p>There is support for following additional Falcon features:</p>
   <li>Partial Videl and Videl borders emulation for all Falcon screen modes</li>
-  <li>Aspect correction and scaling of small resolutions by an integer factor
-      (SDL1), or to any size (SDL2)</li>
   <li>STE/Falcon palette switching and shifter</li>
   <li>Mono/RGB/VGA/TV monitor types</li>
   <li>DSP co-processor emulation</li>


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