Re: [hatari-devel] Basepage and proc_lives debugging from the debugger

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Am Thu, 14 Nov 2019 16:22:08 -0500
schrieb "Roger Burrows" <anodyne@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> > > proc_lives is still another matter.
> > > 
> > > Can the info item be extended? If yes, I might try to implement
> > > the decoder and contribute a patch to Hatari.  
> > 
> > What's proc_lives and is it something supported by all TOS versions
> > (from 1.00 to 4.x, and by EmuTOS)?
> >   
> It's location 0x380 in low-memory.  It has a value of 0x12345678 if
> the subsequent longs contain a valid saved processor state after a
> system crash.  I don't know why the OP can't just display 0x380.
> Roger

Readability and convenience to distinguish individual register values.
In a hexdump I have to guess which bytes belongs to which long.

I will contribute the patch later on.

The locations are standard for TOS 1.0 onward and described very well
in the Atari ST Profibuch, even the first edition.

Best regards,


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