Re: [hatari-devel] GEMDOS HD change issues (was: TT emulation crashes when there is no ACSI drive)

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On 10/13/19 11:10 AM, Uwe Seimet wrote:
Yes, I assume that was the issue. I've pushed a patch now that reverts
to the old behavior, so I think the AUTO start issue with TOS 3.0
should be fixed now.

At least for my setup it's working again, thank you.

There's now TOS crash if either:
* gemdos tracing
* os_base tracing
* VDI tracing, or
* autostarting

Is used without enabling also GEMDOS HD.

Output below is from EmuTOS as it gives more info.

$ ./src/hatari --trace gemdos
WARN : Bus Error reading at address $4fffff, PC=$e00c28 addr_e3=e00c2a op_e3=4a10 WARN : Bus Error reading at address $cc03c3, PC=$e00c28 addr_e3=e00c2a op_e3=4a10
Gemdos_Boot(GEMDOS_EMU_ON=0) at PC 0xFA005A
Panic: Illegal Instruction
sr=2300 pc=00fa002a

D0-3:00000000 0000088e 00000140 000000c8
D4-7:00200004 00400000 0000000a 00000001
A0-3:000036bc 00003938 00e3af6c 00e08cee
A4-7:00000000 00e002c8 00000ffc 00000f20

text=00000000 data=00000000 bss=00000000

$ ./src/hatari --vdi-planes 1
WARN : Bus Error reading at address $cc03c3, PC=$e00c28 addr_e3=e00c2a op_e3=4a10
Panic: Illegal Instruction
sr=2300 pc=00fa002a

D0-3: 00000000 00000727 00000280 13570190
D4-7: 00000001 003fe800 0000000a 00000000
A0-3: 000036bc 00003938 00e3af6c 00e08cee
A4-7: 00000000 00000000 00000ffc 00000f20
 USP: 00000000

text=00000000 data=00000000 bss=00000000

$ src/hatari --auto "A:\\TEST.PRG"
WARN : Bus Error reading at address $4fffff, PC=$e00c28 addr_e3=e00c2a op_e3=4a10 WARN : Bus Error reading at address $cc03c3, PC=$e00c28 addr_e3=e00c2a op_e3=4a10
Panic: Illegal Instruction
sr=2300 pc=00fa002a

D0-3:00000000 00001204 00000140 000000c8
D4-7:00200004 00400000 0000000a 00000001
A0-3:00001204 00001004 00e3af6c 00e08cee
A4-7:00000000 00e002c8 00000ffc 00000f20

text=00000000 data=00000000 bss=00000000

	- Eero

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