Re: [hatari-devel] SCSI support on MegaSTE?

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On 9/27/19 3:02 PM, Thomas Reiss wrote:
Le 2019-09-27 13:42, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
According to Wikipedia, MegaSTE comes with SCSI support in addition
to ACSI:

The MegaSTE does not have a "native" SCSI support, there's no specific SCSI controler as in the TT or the Falcon. Atari delivered an internal ASCI->SCSI bridge board.

Thanks! (-> I disabled SCSI testing for MegaSTE from TOS boot tester)

	- Eero

However, that doesn't work on EmuTOS & Hatari combination:
    hatari --tos etos512k.img --machine megaste --scsi 0=hd.img

Any idea what's missing from Hatari?

(SCSI works fine with EmuTOS when using TT & Falcon emulation.)

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