Re: [hatari-devel] Fastload from GEMDOS drive emulation

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Am Mon, 10 Jun 2019 10:56:47 +0200
schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:

> Thomas Huth schrieb:
> > Am Mon, 10 Jun 2019 08:59:45 +0200
> > schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:  
> >> When you load and relocate a program yourself, like Hatari has to
> >> do for GEMDOS emulation, it's up to you (=Hatari) to clear the
> >> memory. The program flags passed to Pexec(7) are only used to
> >> control Malloc behavior.  
> >
> > D'oh! Is this documented anywhere? TOSHYP does not mention it, and
> > the Atari Compendium even does not mention mode 7...  
> I'm not sure if and where it's documented. But as always, source code
> is the best documentation. If you look at EmuTOS...
> ... or the Atari TOS sources that Thorsten Otto provides (in
> bdos/proc.c), you can see that PF_FASTLOAD is only checked in the
> function that loads a PRG from disk and relocates it. Therefore, if
> you handle that yourself, you also have to handle PF_FASTLOAD
> yourself.

Alright, this should now be fixed. Actually, this also fixes a problem
that I've seen with the STE demo "Pacemaker" in the past - there were
graphical glitches in the endpart scroller when the demo has been
started from a GEMDOS HD folder. Thanks again for the hint with
Pexec(7) ... that was the missing piece here.


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