Re: [hatari-devel] floppy media change on TT |
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On 27 May 2019 at 22:16, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> on the TT, pin 34 of the internal floppy cable is connected to GPIP bit
> 4 at FFFA81.
> This bit is the media change signal which is not available on other
> Atari model (disk change is detected by monitoring the write protect signal)
> As I don't have a TT to test this myself, could someone read the content
> of FFFA81 when a floppy is inserted in the internal drive and when the
> drive is empty ? (I don't know if this bit is inverted before going into
The value is always 0x6f. I tested with a writeable diskette inserted, a
write-protected diskette inserted, and no diskette inserted.
I did not attempt to monitor it while a diskette is being inserted or removed.