Re: [hatari-devel] Running Linux in Hatari?

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On Donnerstag, 14. März 2019 00:36:43 CET Eero Tamminen wrote:
> At least one of the kernel had some natfeats support, but I don't
> get any NatFeats output either. I

Yes, newer kernel have some support for that. Specifically, they use the XHDI 
interface of Aranym, and you have to use root=/dev/nfhd8p1 in the bootargs to 
access the first IDE drive. The complete line that i use is

Args = root=/dev/nfhd8p1 console=tty debug=par devtmpfs.mount=1 

But for that to work, Hatari has to support the XHDI NatFeats, and also the 
BOOTSTRAP NatFeat IIRC. The --lilo option in Aranym makes it possible to 
directly load the kernel, without having to boot TOS first and running 
bootstra.tos from there.

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