Re: [hatari-devel] Issue with macOS version of Hatari 2.2

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Le 02/02/2019 à 22:31, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
When testing Hatari 2.2, I found one other problem. If I am using TOS 2.06, I cannot bring up the SDL menu with F12. I moved my keymap.txt file so it was not being used. When in 2.06, it appears that F12 is being taken by TOS and not intercepted by Hatari for the SDL menu. The older TOS versions do not have the ability to run programs with the function keys so I see the SDL menu when I press F12.

I confirmed the problem exists for me in 2.1 as well. I am curious if anyone else has this behavior with TOS 2.06 loaded or if it is limited to macOS users. Is this just a problem that is limited to me?


not the case under linux ; also it's strange that F12 would not work with a specific TOS, because AFAIK there were only 10 Fx keys on Atari's keyboard, so I don't see why tos would intercept F12 key.

unless your F12 keys reports a specific value that translates to another atari's key ? Or maybe it's specific to the language in your tos 2.06. did you try french or uk version for example ?


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