Re: [hatari-devel] New to Hatari; bugs?

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On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 20:16:01 +0100
Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Le 18/12/2018 à 19:40, Charles Curley a écrit :

> Hi and welcome to Hatari !


> the main project page is here :

Thank you.

> from there you have links, including sources here :

It seems to be one of Murphy's laws that often, as soon as you ask for
something, you find it anyway. I found the mercurial command for
cloning the sources at

> So you can get the current devel version and build it yourself if you 
> want to test the latest changes / improvements / bugs removal
> (compiling under linux is fairly easy)

I'll try that. I don't want to report a bug that's already been fixed.

> As for the bug reports, we don't have a ticket system as there's not 
> enough volume and the general usage over yearss is to post bugs on 
> hatari-devel mailing list.

Noted; will do.

"When we talk of civilization, we are too apt to limit the meaning of
the word to its mere embellishments, such as arts and sciences; but
the true distinction between it and barbarism is, that the one
presents a state of society under the protection of just and
well-administered law, and the other is left to the chance government
of brute force."
- The Rev. James White, Eighteen Christian Centuries, 1889
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