Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari and OUTSIDE (virtual memory manager)

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Le 02/10/2018 à 16:26, Thorsten Otto a écrit :
On Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018 16:19:52 CEST Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Finding the cause of the bombs that happen before will certainly help to
see why it goes wrong later.

Well 11 bombs is just a  LIne-F exception, maybe some instruction that is not
yet emulated?

Could be, but it could also be the PC jumping at random place due to bad PMMU paging and trying to execute "random" bytes (gfx data in ram or other) as legitimate code. If those bytes start with $F... then you get 11 bombs, but it's not related to an instruction not yet emulated (all instructions are already emulated I think)


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