Re: [hatari-devel] Boot preference setting/Caps Lock key status when booting

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Thorsten Otto schrieb:

> One solution would be to query the SDL shift state at
> reset, and fake corresponding key presses. Or look at the TOS header and 
> directly write to the shift state variable. The question is however when to do 
> that, since the internal shift variable is cleared shortly after reset.

Wouldn't the right time be just after TOS has sent the reset command to
the IKBD? We know -- from the EmuTOS Ctrl+Alt+Del issue I debugged some
time ago -- that, contrary to the documentation, after it is reset the
IKBD will send key *presses* to the computer for the keys that were
pressed during reset.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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