Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Lethal Xcess sync scroll fails on ST

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On 03/09/2018 à 12:23, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
I never saw the color issue on 1), please take some screenshots next time it happens as I don't see where this could come from.

For completeness:
My config file is setup for STe. I booted on it, then I pressed pause to manually change the system to ST, and the ROM to TOS 1.2. Then I have clicked Reset.

Maybe there could be an issue when changing settings after first boot. However, I often change the Hatari settings that way, and I never encountered any trouble. So I don't really believe there could be a bug in Hatari here.

Or maybe it's just a bug in Lethal Xcess. I used it much, but always in STe mode, so I may not be aware of ST issues.

If I notice such strange behaviour again, I will report here.

Vincent Rivière

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