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I noticed some items in the todo.txt doc, which I think are
already done. Attached is a patch.
Nicolas & Thomas, aren't the TT ACSI & memvalid / ST&STE MMU
things now fully done?
- Eero
Remove/update already implemented TODOs & bogus mail-archive links
Fixed in v2.1:
- MMU memory bank configuration at $FF8001
(changeset 6480)
- Advancing versions of Videl counters
(not yet accurate though, changeset 6429)
Fixed in v2.0:
- TOS v3 & ACSI (AHDI & $ffff8e09, changeset 6353)
Fixed in v1.8:
- Debugger invocation suppport for all exceptions
diff -r 6b899cd7e1bd doc/todo.txt
--- a/doc/todo.txt Fri May 25 00:55:30 2018 +0300
+++ b/doc/todo.txt Sun May 27 13:13:02 2018 +0300
@@ -40,23 +40,18 @@
- Improve TT and/or Falcon emulation, especially VIDEL, e.g:
- Palette switching during screen drawing
+ - Real Videl render offset and vertical frequency counters emulation
+ (current they're incremented so that programs checking them
+ don't get stuck, but values aren't quite correct yet)
- Video timings for the Falcon Videl chip (60Hz support):
- ST screen modes centering when Videl borders are enabled
- - Videl video register access (e.g. VIDEL_ScreenCounter_ReadByte()
- never changes the register value unless it had first specifically
- been written into):
- http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/hatari-devel/2013/02/msg00155.html
- - Emulate border color:
- http://atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=29098
- Add SCSI hard disk emulation for Falcon/TT mode.
-- ACSI emulation doesn't work with TOS v3 (but works for TT/EmuTOS).
- Add SCC serial port emulation for Falcon/TT mode.
-- DSP emulation / Falcon sound matrix:
+- Last DSP emulation / Falcon sound matrix items:
- Dsp SSI internal clock (is it used on falcon ?)
- Verify DSP instructions cycle count, especially with external RAM
@@ -65,12 +60,6 @@
UAE core implements only support for 64-bit precision. See "m68k
FPU precision issue" thread on debian-68k mailing list for details.
-- The "memvalid" system variables currently have to be patched in most cases.
- For improved compatibility (e.g. the game "Yolanda") it would be better to
- skip this step, but we then run into multiple other problems, see:
- http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/hatari-devel/2011/12/msg00123.html
- -> We should emulate the MMU memory bank configuration at $FF8001
- Beam Racing Algorithm for lagless VSYNC ON. WinUAE implements it
with DirectX:
@@ -120,9 +109,6 @@
These ones should be straightforward to implement:
- Breakpoints on interrupts
- - Breaking on exceptions 2-8 vs. bombs vs. don't break.
- Hatari has only an option to break on address & bus errors
- & uninitialized exception handler.
- Showing values both in different lengths and numeric bases.
(In Hatari one gets latter with "evaluate" command, e.g. "e a0",
and showing the value as long/word/byte requires ANDing it)
@@ -148,8 +134,9 @@
reading values or writing the same value. Slow
- Showing breakpoints in instruction dumps. Hatari breakpoints
are more advanced than the trivial address breakpoints, so
- this would require adding efficient support for plain PC
- based breakpoints
+ this would require adding support also for plain PC based
+ breakpoints (currently 'address' command is translated to
+ a conditional breakpoint)
- Adding new symbol names for arbitrary addresses one at the time.
Hatari debugger currently requires new symbols to be added to
a file containing all the symbols + reloading that file
@@ -194,6 +181,7 @@
- blit only changed lines
- simpler / faster (LED) overlay handling
- x3 and x4 zooming routines for ST-Low resolution
+ (SDL2 scales to monitor size, so it can be blurry)
- Include some fancy zooming routines like 2xSaI or Super-Eagle
- Check/clean RS232 code: