Re: [hatari-devel] Sparrow TOS 2.07 support

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Thomas Huth schrieb:

> Anyway, it does not boot in Falcon mode. I've run it with "--trace
> cpu_disasm", and it seems like TOS jumps back to the beginning quite
> soon:
> 00E037CE 2078 0004                MOVEA.L $0004 [00e00030],A0
> 00E037D2 4ed0                     JMP (A0)
> No clue why it is doing that yet. If somebody wants to have a look:
> I've attached the trace.

I have also played around with Miro's TOS 2.07 dump. There is an
unhandled bus error accessing $FFFF8E0D, a hardware register that does
not exist on the Falcon. According the documentation on the Sparrow that
I have access to, this is the SCU, like on the MSTE/TT.

All subsequent bus errors are handled. Thus, after patching out this one
access I got TOS 2.07 running on Hatari to the point that the familiar
keyclick sound is heard, when a key is pressed. However, there's no
screen display; probably because the video hardware of the Sparrow is
completely different from the one of the Falcon.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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