[hatari-devel] window size |
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Bonsoir, Summary: hatari window size (800x600) becomes bad after a relaunch Machine Macbook Pro OSX 10.11.6, Xcode 8.0 Emulation MegaSTE 68000, RAM 4Mo, F 16Mhz, NO FPU, Bitter & VDI emulation, 16 colors Test methode: begin with window size 640x400 (T0) Set window size at WWWxHHH then save config file. (T1) Close hatari then relaunch. Check window size (T2) emutos SDL2.08 —————————— T0 = 640x480, T1 = 800x600, T2 = 640x600 bad T0 = 640x480, T1 = 1024x768, T2 = 1024x768 good emutos SDL2.04 —————————— T0 = 640x480, T1 = 800x600, T2 = 640x600 bad T0 = 640x480, T1 = 1024x768, T2 = 1024x768 good emutos 0.9.4 SDL2.08 —————————— T0 = 640x480, T1 = 800x600, T2 = 640x600 bad T0 = 640x480, T1 = 1024x768, T2 = 1024x768 good emutos 0.9.4 SDL2.04 —————————— T0 = 640x480, T1 = 800x600, T2 = 640x600 bad T0 = 640x480, T1 = 1024x768, T2 = 1024x768 good Problème seems to be at lauch. I tried to debug but I don’t find where is the problem. Regards Miguel |
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