Am Sun, 15 Apr 2018 02:40:41 +0300
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I don't see why ROM would need to be in repository, or fetched
Tests needing real ROM could be executed only if there's a TOS ROM
in some specific locations, otherwise there would be just a warning
about missing the ROM, and a pointer where to get EmuTOS one.
Good point of this scheme is that everybody could be using his
own favorite TOS version for this, so there would be better
coverage. These tests might also use user's own Hatari config
for them, to increase coverage further.
If test requires some specific TOS version, it should check
that correct one is used, and skip otherwise.
Thomas, what do you think?
I don't think that this is a good idea for the "built-in" regression
test suite. You want *reproducible* tests there, and if everybody is
using a different TOS version, you can not really achieve this goal.