Re: [hatari-devel] Identifying the presence of Hatari

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On 19 Mar 2018 at 5:36, Thorsten Otto wrote:

> On Montag, 19. März 2018 05:27:35 CET Roger Burrows wrote:
> > Would it be possible to add something to Hatari to allow EmuTOS to be able
> > to detect its presence?
> You could use the NF_NAME NatFeats feature, but unfortunately that is disabled
> by default in Hatari.
As Vincent said, "exactly".  Therefore in the general case, it can't be used to
detect the presence of Hatari.

> I'm not sure what the state of SCSI emulation in Hatari is, but i can only
> think of 3 possibilities: either the hardware addresses generate a bus-error
> (dunno wether that works with TOS 3.06 where that hardware might be expected
> to be present), or there is some dummy implementation that just reports
> errors, so scanning for devices does not find anything, or it is properly
> implemented. In either case, that should work with EmuTOS without knowing
> about Hatari.
Unfortunately the Falcon SCSI implementation does not report errors, but does
not behave properly either.  This is mostly because the SCSI chip is "behind"
the ACSI hardware registers.  I have figured out a reasonable workaround, but I
hate having to do this every time I'm implementing hardware support.  Thus the


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