Re: [hatari-devel] Regression in Cruor's falcon demos

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Bisect gave this as culprit:
The first bad revision is:
changeset:   6649:ffe781ebfc65
user:        Nicolas Pomarede
date:        Fri Jul 28 15:13:29 2017 +0200
summary: Add support for prefetch + instr/data caches for 68030 in MMU mode (from WinUAE 3.5.1 beta 27/07/2017)

I.e. changes done to non-MMU code for MMU mode cache handing
seem to break non-MMU mode or its timings.

However, it's not the only regressing commit.

With the commit preceding it:
changeset:   6648:ad1858dbb6ec
user:        Nicolas Pomarede
date:        Sun Jul 23 16:38:24 2017 +0200
summary: More updates for 68040/60 without FPU (from WinUAE 3.5.1 beta 22/07/2017)

Of the cases that regressed with 2.1 release:
- A Rh positive -- works
- Bound 2 -- works
- Bound 42 -- works
- Cycedelic knockout -- goes past the issue, but freezes later
- Dan's Lustiges Kinderfest -- still freezes
- E.X. Illusion -- still freezes
- Hex Pistols -- still crashes
- "_" -- still freezes
- Hmm... -- works
- Lasers and Hommes -- works
- Moonspeeder -- works
- Oergs -- still freezes, but doesn't anymore error
- Sonolumineszenz - still freezes
- Symposium'96 -- works (until crash it had already earlier)
- The mountains flight -- works
- Warum -- still freezes
- Whirlpool -- starts, but freezes later

According to release notes, following cases were fixed:
- 2x1287, A Rh positive, Are you experienced, Autowaschen Verboten,
  Bound, Bound 42, Codein, Cycedelic knockout, Dan's Lustiges
  Kinderfest, Derealization, Dream Dimension, Echos, E.X. Illusion,
  Geranium, Hex Pistols, Hmmm, Oergs, Polygon Discount, Terrorize your
  soul, Warum, Virtual City (68030 instr-cache)

with the early 2.1 instruction cache fix:
changeset:   6514:c8fb3b2e7852
user:        Nicolas Pomarede
date:        Sat Feb 04 19:38:00 2017 +0100
summary: Fix instruction cache bug in WinUAE CPU core when using 68030 in prefetch/CE mode

I tested the other regressed cases which were not in that list:
- "_" -- works
- Sonolumineszenz -- works
- Whirlpool -- works (when not autostarted)

I.e. all the listed cases work with revision 6514 and there's
at least another regression between that and revision 6649.

I'll bisect that next.


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