Re: [hatari-devel] Regression in Cruor's falcon demos

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On 02/09/2018 01:20 AM, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
Thanks for the new hatari release. It's a good job as usual.

While testing a demo I've never seen before on Falcon (Cruor: The mountains flight <>), I've seen that it's written as working with hatari 1.3, but it doesn't work for me with the latest hatari version.

Do you confirm this ?

Yes, it bus errors in the start of the demo.

Same thing with Cruor's 96ktro.

Both demos work with old UAE CPU core though.

They crash to bus error in about same place with old UAE, if I use
dummy DSP instead of real one, so it could be something DSP related.

It doesn't help if I disable in WinUAE CPU core cpu-exact option.

	- Eero

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