Re: New macOS 2.1.0 release candidate (Was: [hatari-devel] crash on the osx gui)

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Le 15/02/2018 à 23:05, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Thank you for testing!

I'm not able to reproduce this on my 10.13.3 - I've tried switching to fullscreen and back many times.

Anyone else?

Actually. looking at your screenshot it looks like your captured screen is wider than a normal ST screen? The raster bars seem to have the correct width, just going from memory.


I can get a similar result, where left/right space show content of the desktop before pressing F11, depending on the Hatari settings.

left/right unused space is not filled with black if in the F12 preferences under "Hatari screen" the choice "keep desktop resolution in fullscreen" is checked.

If this choice is not checked, then Hatari really tries to change the video card resolution to go fullscreen and to adapt to the emulated screen size, which might not always be possible depending on the supported resolution of your video card.

If for some reason you OS doesn't support this change of resolution, then it's better to use "keep dekstop res in fullscreen". This will try to fill the screen as much as possible, but without changing resolution.

Troed, maybe this option is not checked in your case ?
Sebastien, could you check and change it to test the result ?

(I don't know if this option is available in the OS UI or if need to access it through F12 and the sdl UI)


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