Re: [hatari-devel] Suspicious instruction & data cache hit/miss accounting

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Here's example disassembly from EmuTOS on Falcon emu.

Instructions which have either zero instruction cache hits & misses,
or zero data cache hits & misses, are marked with '*':
$00e4cf4e: d1ee fff6      adda.l  $fff6(a6),a0   (185, 2640, 185, 190)
$00e4cf52: 2d48 fff6      move.l  a0,$fff6(a6) * (185, 2685, 185, 0)
$00e4cf56: 4444           neg.w   d4           * (185, 0, 0, 0)
$00e4cf58: 3d44 fff0      move.w  d4,$fff0(a6) * (185, 1665, 185, 0)
$00e4cf5c: 3c00           move.w  d0,d6        * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf5e: 0246 000f      andi.w  #$f,d6       * (185, 1128, 188, 0)
$00e4cf62: 3d46 ffe6      move.w  d6,$ffe6(a6) * (185, 2036, 185, 0)
$00e4cf66: 5349           subq.w  #1,a1        * (185, 0, 0, 0)
$00e4cf68: 3239 0000 22a0 move.w  $22a0,d1       (185, 3330, 370, 0)
$00e4cf6e: 0240 fff0      andi.w  #$fff0,d0    * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf72: 45f9 00e0 b9be lea     $e0b9be,a2   * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf78: 1432 2800      move.b  (a2,d2.l),d2   (185, 2590, 185, 0)
$00e4cf7c: 4882           ext.w   d2           * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf7e: e468           lsr.w   d2,d0        * (185, 0, 0, 0)
$00e4cf80: 0280 0000 ffff andi.l  #$ffff,d0    * (185, 2220, 370, 0)
$00e4cf86: d0b9 0000 044e add.l   $44e,d0        (185, 4062, 185, 1)
$00e4cf8c: 3409           move.w  a1,d2        * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf8e: c4c1           mulu.w  d1,d2        * (185, 3885, 0, 0)
$00e4cf90: 2240           movea.l d0,a1        * (185, 1110, 185, 0)
$00e4cf92: d3c2           adda.l  d2,a1        * (185, 0, 0, 0)
$00e4cf94: 2d49 fff2      move.l  a1,$fff2(a6)   (184, 2760, 184, 0)

As you can see, they're the majority (as indicated by
the profiler cache hit/miss histogram).

If you want more output, I pushed commit that shows the info
after you set "DEBUG" to 1 in profilecpu.c, re-build Hatari,
start Falcon or TT emulation, and enable profiling:

It's common enough that you see it immediately, regardless
of what you run and on what 030 TOS version.

	- Eero

On 02/02/2018 11:41 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 02/02/2018 à 00:18, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Disassembly shows only i-cache misses and d-cache hits, so
from that you don't know whether something is missing.

but if you add your own printf after disasm to print all  hit/miss counters after each instructions ?

However, for i-cache, I think it's clear from the CPU core sources
that they're counted only for instructions that trigger either
prefetch or pipeline stall (=branch).

Do you agree on that interpretation?  Because then:
* Those hit/miss counts also tell how often those events happens
* It should be fine to translate (on the profiler side) any
   instruction that doesn't generate a miss, as being a hit.
   Wouldn't it?

What I don't understand for i-cache, is how you can get multiple
hits or misses for single instruction.  Instructions are all
word sized & word aligned, so they cannot cross cache line
boundary, so there should be only zero or one hit / miss,
shouldn't there?

And what about data cache?  I can understand 2 misses if
data is e.g. long crossing cache line, but what about larger
numbers?  Or is it about how much data the miss caused to
be fetched to the cache?

A movem could generate several cache misses.

But it's hard to conclude anything without any real opcode example. Maybe some are perfectly normal, maybe for some I forgot to count some hit/miss, hard to tell without actual instructions leading to these results.


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