Re: [hatari-devel] UAE 68030 MMU + prefetch + instruction and data cache emulation

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Le 30/07/2017 à 20:34, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Here it is :

hg bisect --good

The first bad revision is:
changeset:   6571:6986f406b928
user:        Nicolas Pomarede
date:        Wed Apr 19 17:01:03 2017 +0200
summary: FPU/SoftFloat + small changes for 68020/30 prefetch cycles (From WinUAE 3.4.1 b6)



I try "_" demo, and I confirm it locks at start during DSP/CPU transfer ; this is most likely the same problem as in many DSP/CPU demos where 68030 cycle counting is not exact yet, which will make DSP and CPU sync not possible (cpu waits forever for dsp data)

The changeset 6571 contained some changes from Winuae to improve how 68020/30 accesses memory, but this is still work in progress. Sometimes it will give better results, sometimes (as in these 2 demos), it will give not-accurate enough cycles count and the program will fail.

There's no solution at the moment for this, the memory "pipeline" of the 68020/30 is really complex.

For now, we should look for regression in games/demos where DSP is not used, as DSP/CPU transfers don't have correct timings in many cases.


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