Re: [hatari-devel] UAE 68030 MMU + prefetch + instruction and data cache emulation

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A few tests done with the new core :

- rainbow 2 (use the MMU) : OK
- X_tasie demo (runs with MMU) : KO (probably because of CPU timings, as it's locked between DSP and CPU exchanges) - _ demo : it seems to have regressed (both 68030 and non 68030 cpu). Before, it was running at least the 3 first screens before freezing, but now it freezes at start.

- a few more demo tested, that are working, (they probably don't use the MMU). But with the 2 cycles instructions timings, they look strange, or music is full of glitches, ...

I'll do some more tests.

The best now for hatari would be to have 68030 + MMU + cycle exact (nevermind if the MMU instructions are not cycle exact, there's never involved in time critic loops).

That's the Falcon standard CPU.

Thanks for the new CPU Tony and Nicolas.


Le 28/07/2017 à 15:25, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 27/07/2017 à 20:29, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> thanks Toni for your work ; I will try to update Hatari with this tomorrow.
> Nicolas


Hatari sources were juste updated with Toni's latest changes.

Here's a little summary of the mode we have for 68030 now, when using the "cpu setting" dialog in Hatari :

MMU not enabled :

- Cycle Exact    68030 CE + caches (internal mode=4 op_smalltbl_24_ff)
- Prefetch 68030 prefetch, no cache (internal mode=3 op_smalltbl_22_ff)
- none        68030 basic, no cache (internal mode=0 op_smalltbl_2_ff)

MMU enabled :

- Cycle Exact 68030 MMU + prefetch + cache (internal mode=6 op_smalltbl_34_ff) - Prefetch 68030 MMU + prefetch + cache (internal mode=6 op_smalltbl_34_ff)
- none        68030 MMU, no cache (internal mode=5 op_smalltbl_32_ff)


- there's no "cycle exact" mode for now in 68030 MMU, it's the same emulation as "prefetch". For "cycle exact" 68030 (instructions tail/head and more accurate cycles) don't use MMU mode.

- even in "cycle exact" mode without MMU, cycles are not always correct yet, this is still work in progress.

To test for regressions / bugs, please check your favorites games/demos/utils and report programs that work in 68030 prefetch without MMU, but crash in the new mode 68030 prefetch with MMU (and caches).


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