Re: [hatari-devel] hatari tt scc emulation

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Hi Thomas,

> > I guess the options in descending order of desirability are:
> > 1. Implement TT SCC / MFP support
> That's the best option, indeed.

I agree with you. Btw. Are there some informatiosn about how to add
new hardware to Hatari (e.g. SCC for the TT)?

> > 3. Use incorrect SCC register handling to avoid the crashes
> Please don't do this - that just changes the problem into a different
> one. I'm pretty sure somebody will then complain in a year or two "my
> hardware detection in my program XY does not work right since you're
> not generating bus errors for hardware that you do not emulate"! ...
> We've had that in the past already...

i think, you are right if you expect, someone will ask a year later,
why the SCC emulation did nothing. But i believe, a year later also
someone will ask, why he get a bus error if he access the SCC via
XBIOS and get a bus error. I think, every solution is only a
compromise. and no solution is perfect but only add SCC support.

But ther eis a additional argument. MiNT wont run if the access to the
SCC via xbios of TOS 3.06 generates a bus error.

Best regards

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