Re: [hatari-devel] hatari tt scc emulation

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Uwe Seimet schrieb:

>> As I had already written, MiNT does not directly access the registers in
> I know, but MiNT *could* before using TOS code that requires the
> respective hardware to be present. The more operating-system like a
> software is, the more it makes sense to use a low-level approach for
> certain things.

While this maybe can be argued in the case of MiNT, the reported issue
affects *every* application that uses TOS functions to access the TT's
serial ports. I.e. most terminal programs will be affected. I don't
think one should require an application -- that runs perfectly on a real
TT -- to jump through additional hoops, just to be compatible to Hatari.
Especially if said application is even programmed "cleany", i.e. only
using TOS functions. That's not the point of an emulator, imho.

It is of course perfectly OK that Hatari (for the time being?) doesn't
support every bit of hardware; but applications should not crash,
particularly if they don't DIRECTLY access that unsupported hardware.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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