Re: [hatari-devel] Faster MMU emulation + various cpu updates

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> Yep that was IIRC a software emulation package for 68881/2 FPU
> instructions which are not implemented natively on 040/060 chips. The
> newer chips implemented a fast subset of the full instruction set. I
> think the emulation was just handled via line-F exceptions.


I meant full emulation as in emulating FPU when CPU is 68040 or 060
without FPU (=LC or EC model which I forgot to include, sorry about
that). This is not exactly same as 68020/68030 without 6888x because
68040 FPU F-line has EA field and testing its correctness in all
situations is boring without some real world test cases (which may not
even exist..)

Motorola FPSP package is confirmed working just fine when emulating
"full" 68040 or 68060 (="missing" FPU instructions and datatypes are not
emulated, getting it right was not simple task, especially with 68040
which has very big FSAVE frames with weird semi-documented contents..).

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