Re: [hatari-devel] New cycle exact YM2149 emulation

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----- Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
>  From a few comparisons with my STF, I would say that Hatari result is a 
> little bit too attenuated and should be a little more "sharp", but not 
> as much as when turning filter off completely.
> Nicolas

This patch changes filter coefficients for a sharper sound.
I can make more patches until the timbre is right.

--- hatari/src/sound.c	2017-06-17 20:06:59.678017765 -0700
+++ hatari/src/sound.c	2017-06-17 20:20:56.588497567 -0700
@@ -433,7 +433,10 @@
 		y0 = (3*(x0 + x1) + (y0<<1)) >> 3;
 	/* R8 Pull down: fc = 1992.0 Hz (44.1 KHz), fc = 2168.0 Hz (48 KHz) */
-		y0 = ((x0 + x1) + (6*y0)) >> 3;
+	/*	y0 = ((x0 + x1) + (6*y0)) >> 3; */
+	/* R8 Pull down: fc = 4516.6 Hz (44.1 KHz), fc = 4916.0 Hz (48 KHz) */
+		y0 = ((x0 + x1) + (y0<<1)) >> 2;
 	x1 = x0;
 	return y0;

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