Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari macOS "nightlies"

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I think this will be very useful for Mac users of Hatari. There are times when items are fixed in the development version and not accessible to most Mac users. As you know, most Mac users are not going to install Xcode and figure out how to compile Hatari. I know I will find it useful when I want to test out a new fix but I do not want to bother to recompile Hatari.

Bob C

On Jun 17, 2017, at 5:13 PM, Troed Sångberg <troed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello all,

As indicated in an earlier post, I've set up an automated build system to pull and build Hatari "nightly". I put nightly in quotes since the build system is my laptop and the script will execute either at midnight or the next possible opportunity I happen to wake it from sleep.

The static URL for the builds is and a build.log is included in the archive. I might enhance the script to only make a new build if there are any changes updated from the pull but haven't done it yet.

Please let me know if this is of any use (and feel free to link to the URL above).

@Miguel - the latest build should have the new .xib with working FPU radio button.


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