Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Screen in Protracker

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Le 21/02/2017 à 16:57, Anders Eriksson a écrit :
Just for the record, I've used Hatari to make many Protracker videos
over the years, it works fine. It's a PAL program so don't use american
TOS, although I suppose forcing it to 50 Hz with a small program ahead
of launching Protracker will work as well.


In fact, the program keeps the video freq that was used at start under gem (50 or 60 Hz) and try to remove the border in both cases. So, with US TOS if you switch gem to 50 Hz before running protracker, it should work too.

I will try to test it on my french STF in 60 Hz mode to see if border is properly removed on real HW or if it's a bug in Hatari.

Another program with low border in 60 Hz is Neochrome Master (escape key
goes to full image view and have the realtime zoomer in the lower border).

I didn't try it ; does it work with Hatari in 60 Hz ?

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