Re: [hatari-devel] Timestamp problem with GEMDOS drive

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On 02/18/2017 10:06 PM, Uwe Seimet wrote:
I see, but this means that in particular make-like processes, which rely
on timestamps, do not work anymore. Pure C, for instance, now constantly
recompiles files without any need. This very inconvenient. Can this
somehow be fixed?

Are you using MegaST/e which takes time from host?

You could try ifdeffing out utime() call from

If that works fine, propose a commandline option
for Hatari GEMDOS HD emulation.  Maybe:
	--gemdos-hosttime <bool>
	--gemdos-time <host/atari>

	- Eero

Best regards


----- Uwe Seimet wrote:

With the current development version I observe wrong timestamps when
compiling with Pure C. A C source file A.C has the timestamp 10:21.
After compiling it to A.O the resulting object file has the timestamp
10:20, i.e. it is not newer but older than the source file.
This is reproducable. The desktop shows that .O files are a minute older
than the .C files they were compiled from.

Take care


Hatari changed how it deals with the time of day.
Hatari grabs the current time when it is started, then
increments the time in "emulator time". This is causing
a conflict with the "actual time" as regards time stamps.

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