Re: [hatari-devel] starting hatari with a .TTP from the commande line ?

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On 01/27/2017 08:06 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
it's possible to start Hatari with a PRG/TOS program as an argument and
it will start as if it was in an AUTO folder :

./hatari test.prg

Not as AUTO-program, this works also for GEM programs.

Mechanism used for auto-starting is virtual DESKTOP/NEWDESK.INF
file and it relies on GEM Desktop autostart feature.

But is it possible to start hatari with a ttp program and to give some
extra arguments to be passed to this ttp program ?

Yes, use the tools/ script.

It uses Hatari debugger & breakpoint chaining to insert
command line arguments to the auto-started program's

(It doesn't support ARGV protocol so command line length
is limited to 126 chars.)

If arguments are filenames, you need to give them relative
to the auto-started program's (C:) directory, and they of
course need to be within that directory.

	- Eero

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