Re: [hatari-devel] test needed on a 4MB STF

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Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:

> This is a small program that displays several color patterns and then 
> set the MMU to 2048, 512 or 128 K bank size.
> I'd like to get a photo of the 3 modes to complete some MMU emulation in 
> Hatari (I already did it on my 1 MB STF, but 4 MB gives different 
> results that I can't guess)

I have two STFs with 4 MiB RAM available and will do the test later. (I
also have an STE with 4 MiB, but from your message I guess you're not
interested in that.)

Notice that there are two different MMUs in STFs: the one made by IMP
and the one not made by IMP. They behave differently when the sizes of
bank 0 and bank 1 don't match. Luckily I have both at my disposal. Which
one do you want tested?

Also, I'm not sure if I posted it here already, but this is some insight
on how the MMU maps CPU addresses to RAM address lines:

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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