Re: [hatari-devel] looking for someone with a mono monitor

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I have SM124 and can do some tests on short 520ST, 1040STE Mega STE

On 27 November 2016 at 13:55, Carsten Jacobi <carsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello there,

sorry for the late answer, I just got hold off this post last month. I played around with ray-beam synchronized routines in monochrome beginning of the 90s since everybody was fixed on colour mode those days.
The demo should open the right border and should also - in some respect - open the left border (but here I just saw a "gain" of maybe 4 to 8 pixels).
You should also see a picture wobbling up and down and the funniest feature should be seeing the "colour" grey (and I really mean grey, no interlace!) on an SM-124 monitor.
I found switch spots that made an STF (indeed I played with this on my 1040STF) skip lines (that's why scrolling the full picture without wasting mem is possible). The left border then does not "open" the same way it does in colour mode. Instead, the line is "shifted" 4 to 8 pixels to the left end also "ends earlier". However, the right border "opens" and that to a really long extend ... the grey part will remain my secret, demo programmers should not disclose to much to keep the "community" challenged >8-E3= (if you really want to know, you already have the source ... the only drawback is that the comments may be in "native language")

I was even able to draw graphics in the lower border ... but only on "some models". I switched to external synchronization for some cycles and then back to internal synchronization. That made the MMU begin a completely new frame (starting with the video-counter at the new-VBL address again even though the frame didn't end yet!) and so even vertical screen splitting was possible. On monochrome, the "newly begun" frame then could also extend into the lower border, so the actual "opening" of the lower border as in colour mode didn't take place ... I never found a method how to do that in monochrome.
I wanted to know how "compatible" screen splitting would be (one example is that on the STE in contrast to the STF you had to stay in monochrome mode for 20 and not just for 16 cycles to open the left border, so there are demos that open the left border but are not "STE"-compatible) to other STs, so I started my prototype on 7 different STs on one demo party ... and only 2 of them started a new frame after the External/Internal synch switch, the others just showed "black" as long as the ST ran with external synchronisation. One striking fact was that those 2 STs were my 1040ST and the other was a 520ST with a "13 line Glue-Chip", my was a "29 line Glue-Chip" (that measure refers to the size of the upper border in colour 50 Hertz).
Another problem is also that in monochrome you don't have the means to "switch into some different mode" that is also monochrome as in colour, where you can switch between 50 and 60 Hertz and both modes operate on the colour monitor. This is especially a nuisance when you open the right border for which you have to switch as the ray beam draws pixels on your screen. So, you just see a black gap on the screen during that very period, where your ST runs in colour screen mode as you watch your monochrome mode demo. The other nuisance was, that the spot where you have to open the right border in monochrome depended on moon wetness, weather situation, whatsoever .... it was different any time I turned on my ST. So I had to "extend" the time I switched to colour mode to make sure the "critical spot" was within that time, hence I had to stay in colour mode for more than 24 cycles (would have to look into the source to see for how long).
I wanted to download the .mp4 movie posted here since I myself don't know how my screen whould look like on a Mega STE, I tried it on a TT last year on an exhibition. Well, of course it didn't work in full extend on the TT, at least I could see the picture scroll up and down. The .mp4 movie seems to be gone again, sad (I was just curious).

It was a surprise for me to see, that 20 years after I wrote this people still tried to run my screen.



On Mon, 18 Aug 2014 Nicolas Pomarčde wrote:
Yes, do a small video from the start of the program before you start it from
the gem (to be able to see which borders are changing) and upload it
anywhere (dropbox,, ...) ; I think it removes bottom border or
something like that.

I don't need great HD quality, just a video with a camera to see what's on
screen should be enough

In your case, the mega ste should be put in STE compatible mode (8 Mhz
instead of 16 for cpu), but I don't know if this demo works on STE or only

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