Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 2.0.0 has been released

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Thorsten Otto schrieb:

> - when booting with TOS 3.06, the memory test is not skipped anymore when --
> fastboot is enabled.

Thorsten, you know way more about TOS 3.06 than I do. It seems that TOS
also takes into account the memory contents at $4ba (number of 200 Hz
interrupts) to decide whether it is a cold boot and it should run a
memory test:

$00e009a2 : 2e3c 0000 3e80   move.l    #$3e80,d7
$00e009a8 : beb9 0000 04ba   cmp.l     $4ba,d7
$00e009ae : 6500 015c        bcs       $e00b0c
[... memory test ...]
$00e00ad4 : 23c7 0000 04ba   move.l    d7,$4ba

Can you confirm this? Addresses are from German TOS 3.06.

So, simply setting all the memval(id) magic numbers as Hatari does won't
suffice. I wonder why fast booting TOS 3.06 worked at all in some
previous version, as you mention.

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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