Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 2.0.0 has been released

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On Friday 04 November 2016 17:15:22 Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> It's finally here, Hatari 2.0.0 !

I get compilation with this version :(

Libraries summary :

  - sdl :       using SDL2 v2.0.3
  - readline :  found, enables history/completion in the debugger
  - zlib :      found, allows to use zip/gz files directly
  - png :       found, allows to compress screenshot/avi files using png
  - portaudio : not found, install it to enable the Falcon microphone input
  - capsimage : v4 not found, install it to use .IPF, .RAW and .CTR disk 
  - udev :      found, required for media change detection in NatFeats SCSI
                devices on udev-based systems (Linux)

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: ~/hatari-2.0.0

Now you must type: make; make install
to actually build and install the software

~/atari/hat/hatari-2.0.0 $ make
Scanning dependencies of target Floppy
[  1%] Building C object src/CMakeFiles/Floppy.dir/createBlankImage.c.o                                                                                                                                     
[  2%] Building C object src/CMakeFiles/Floppy.dir/dim.c.o                                                                                                                                                  
[  2%] Building C object src/CMakeFiles/Floppy.dir/msa.c.o                                                                                                                                                  
In file included from ~/hatari-2.0.0/src/msa.c:18:0:                                                                                                                                  
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:181:23: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:26:17: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_u8’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:182:21: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:25:16: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_s8’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:183:14: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:63:14: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_char’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:188:24: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:29:18: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_u16’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:189:15: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:28:17: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_s16’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:198:22: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:32:18: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_u32’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:199:13: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:31:17: note: previous declaration of 
‘uae_s32’ was here
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/sysdeps.h:207:17: error: redefinition of typedef 
~/hatari-2.0.0/src/cpu/uae/types.h:56:17: note: previous declaration of 
‘uaecptr’ was here
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/Floppy.dir/msa.c.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/Floppy.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

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