Re: [hatari-devel] Functional tester for 68881/2 FPUs

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Yes, sure - I'll link the source archive when I get home. It's quite a simple program so modifying/adding things shouldn't be an issue.

For actually investigating failed cases though it might be better to have some error magnitude measurement which makes sense for each test. I didn't bother with this since it was made just to detect faulty chips (IEEE-754 formatted results take part in a running hash), and error magnitude probably won't make sense for every kind of test (such as fmod) - but a subset extra measurements for this might be helpful...


On 3 November 2016 at 23:58, Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thursday 03 November 2016 18:51:19 Douglas Little wrote:
> If its any use I'll link source for it (it's a small asm program with some
> tables).

I would be interested ;) Not only for Hatari, but also for Aranym and other
emulators which might have similar issues.

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