Re: [hatari-devel] Regression in 2.0.0 RC1

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On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

Le 26/10/2016 à 20:29, Anders Eriksson a écrit :


I found an intro by DNT that has regressed in 2.0.0 RC1 but is fine with
the same configuration in 1.9.0.

It's this one:

The audio is really bad in STe-mode (appears OK in ST-mode).

I suppose it's too late for a fix now, but perhaps for a future update..


I had a look at the intro, and basically I see a problem with how STE DMA sound is set during replayer init :

move.b    #1,$ffff8901.w
move.w    #$7ff,$ffff8924.w
move.w    #$401,$ffff8922.w

Replayer is "undead ym tracker", but this looks like a bug in the replay : it starts DMA sound, but it never set start/end address, so this will just play the content of the whole RAM :(

Are you able to check this on a real STE, I'm not sure the sound will be correct either ?


Running it now on my STe, and it works like it did on 1.9.0, e.g. without noise. Great Jess track. For some reason we havn't ripped it for the SNDH archive, time to do that :)

Anders Eriksson

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