Re: [hatari-devel] Regression in 2.0.0 RC1

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Le 26/10/2016 à 20:29, Anders Eriksson a écrit :


I found an intro by DNT that has regressed in 2.0.0 RC1 but is fine with
the same configuration in 1.9.0.

It's this one:

The audio is really bad in STe-mode (appears OK in ST-mode).

I suppose it's too late for a fix now, but perhaps for a future update..


I had a look at the intro, and basically I see a problem with how STE DMA sound is set during replayer init :

move.b    #1,$ffff8901.w
move.w    #$7ff,$ffff8924.w
move.w    #$401,$ffff8922.w

Replayer is "undead ym tracker", but this looks like a bug in the replay : it starts DMA sound, but it never set start/end address, so this will just play the content of the whole RAM :(

Are you able to check this on a real STE, I'm not sure the sound will be correct either ?


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