Re: [hatari-devel] DMA sound and Falcon

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Le 12/09/2016 à 00:04, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

There's still a problem with the DMA sound :/

When I use hatari Falcon in 16 Mhz, the DMA sound is OK (except the
noisy sound but that's another story).

But if I swith to 32 Mhz, the sound plays 2 times too fast again.

And if I swith to 8 Mhz, it does a funny effect ;) (sound seems to
repeat twice in each slices of sound, a bit like an echo).


I need to make more modifications to crossbar.c, this is because crossbar.c uses CPU_FREQ to compute the frequency ratio, but I don't think it shouldn need to do that. Only the requeted freq and the host output freq should be needed.


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