Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE cpu core updated to 3.4 b4

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>> Do you know what the memwatch + heatmap stuff in the UAE debug
>> file does?
> Hi
> just a guess (Toni might correct me), but I think that's a graphic
> representation of memory regions getting the most read/write accesses,
> using darker/lighter color dependending on the hit ratio.

Sort of. I was asked if it possible to use emulation to detect most used
code (for optimization purposes). First version only generated lists of
addresses of "hot" code.

Then I decided to add mostly useless graphics option that draw pixels of
different brightness depending on address hit ratio. (On Amiga this can
be very multicolored because each Agnus DMA channel uses different color
+ CPU)

Memwatch is debugger feature, break when memory address (or region)
changes (any change, changes to some specific value, make range
read-only etc..) Debugger also has very recently added CPU register
watch option.

> It could be used in Hatari, but we're somewhat limited by our current
> SDL UI to have additional windows with such informations.

WinUAE version just draws it on top of emulated display. (I think it is
simple 256x256 pixel block in top right corner). I already used similar
"overlay" to show field's DMA cycle usage in real time.

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