Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari's SDL2-port screen update bug

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On 08.09.2016 00:23, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> Hatari SDL GUI behaves wrongly with SDL2.
> The reason is this in screen.c:
> -------------------------------
> #if WITH_SDL2
> ...
> void SDL_UpdateRect(SDL_Surface *screen, Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Sint32 w,
> Sint32 h)
> {
>         SDL_Rect rect = { x, y, w, h };
>         SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &rect);
> }
> #endif
> -------------------------------
> It doesn't take into account SDL1 zero-sized rect special
> case which means that whole screen should be redraw.

No, the SDL_UpdateRects() wrapper (above the code that you quoted) in
screen.c currently ignores the "rects" parameter completely, so this
should not be an issue.

> As result, e.g. Hatari dialogs aren't in some cases shown
> with SDL2 until user blindly interacts with them first.

I've never seen that behavior so far, can you give an example how to
reproduce this issue?


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